Build a life you don’t need a vacation from.
Look, I know that sounds hallmark-esque and idealistic but there ARE ways we can eliminate some unnecessary elements from our lives in the pursuit of building a life we dont need a vacation from.
Suggestion: AUDIT
What are you on about, you say? Audit. Audit your year. Glance back at 2019 thus far and make a list with four categories on it.
1. LOVED IT, need MORE of this
2. Purposeful, enjoyable, fruitful, but dial it back a bit- less is more.
3. NEVER AGAIN will I do this. Waste of time/drain of energy/emotions/resources/fills with dread/takes to long to recover from the impact of.
4. Haven’t done this but I want to so I am going to list. If that’s a day off, plan it. if it’s a needed date, write down TODAY when that is going to happen.
Get your paper and pens, or if you are too techno for that, make some techno list, but I’m serious: Look back and audit the pants off of your last 10 months. Why? Time is not a renewable resource. Your time whether you see it this way or not, is unique to you and a commodity that none of us can afford to waste.
*Still go on vacation* but we do have an element of control of our atmospheres, and if there is something you can shed, add, or re-position, do it today!